The Facts
The Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) between high school teachers and CUHSD does not expire until June 30, 2022. However, the CBA contains a compensation clause relating to the passage of a new parcel tax. While the parcel tax - Measure K - garnered a majority of the public's support, it did not achieve the necessary super-majority required to pass. Per the compensation clause, the parties were then required to negotiate compensation for 2021-22. In April of this year, CUHSD and CHSTA presented their articles for negotiation. Even though the entire CBA will be under negotiation in the Spring of 2022, the District added Article 14 - Hours and Work Year, to these negotiations.
The current CBA requires that, "As part of those reopener negotiations, the District's initial (italics added) economic offer to CHSTA will be to add $4,000 per cell on the Unit A salary schedule." Unfortunately, the District did not present proposals that would have maintained the status quo for teacher salaries. In other words, the District's proposals would have resulted in a salary reduction from the previous year. CHSTA's leadership and members did not find this acceptable.
As a result, teachers this year have seen their pay cut to 2018-19 salaries.
CHSTA believes that it is not in our students’ interest to lose good teachers to other districts who are willing to make teachers a budget priority.
01 / CPI
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index for rose 5.3 percent for the 12 months ending August 2021.
02 / Salaries
Teachers in 2021-22 are receiving 2018-19 salaries. The reduction in pay from last year to this year was $5,000 for every full time teacher.
03 / Reserve
Since 2018-19, the District's end balance (reserves) has grown from $25.4 million to $49.6 million.